Monday, September 2, 2013

van Gogh Flower Still Life, Oak Hill ES 12-13

Used with K-6


 Lesson & Activity:
  • Show sample paintings and place out on display the Sunflower Vase for students to look at for inspiration while painting.  
  • hand out 1 paint tray (brush included), one piece of poster board, one cup with small amount of water, and one folded paper towel to each student. Student can use their own pencils.
  • Have students write their name on the label on the back of the poster board
  • To create the sunflower painting: With pencil, have students lightly draw a vase, any shape. Then draw a table the vase is sitting upon, and then draw three circles for the center of each sunflower.  See step-by-step directions below.
  • Very Important, when using the tempera paint: Instruct students to dip paintbrush into the water, THEN dab on paper towel, THEN dab onto tempera cakes.   It is very important to monitor water use. Unlike watercolors, only a VERY SMALL amount of water is needed to moisten the tempera cakes.  If using too much water, color will be very light. The less water, the brighter the color will be on the paper .
  • Also, we need these paint cakes to stretch out over all classes in the school, so please watch to be sure the students are not overusing or damaging the paint cakes as they use them.
  • Using the tempera paint, have the students first paint the vase, then the table, then the flowers.
  • When finished, have the students paint flower stems, if needed, and fill in the background as desired if time permits, white background is fine for students who run out of time.

Clean Up:
     Collect finished artwork and place in area designated by teacher to dry. If students do not overuse water, the paintings should dry in ½ hour to an hour.
     Return CD to binder
     Empty all water cups and discard used cups.
     Rinse and dry paint brushes with paper towel, and place back into paint trays.
     Clean up paint trays, if needed and place back onto racks for storage on cart.
     Throw away used paper towels, clean up desk tops as needed.
     Return Sunflower Vase to cart.
     Return cart under the stairs, return key if you used the elevator.


Step-by-step directions

with pencil lightly draw vase, any shape 

 draw horizontal line for table  
draw 3 circles for center of sunflowers  
Paint the flowers, vase, and table

Fill in  flower centers, stems, and background

Grandma Moses Winter Landscape, Oak Hill ES 12-13

Used with:  K-6


Per each student hand out:
1 sky blue construction paper 12x18  for background
1 White paper (or scraps) for snow
1 bag of craypas for background drawing (white, brown, green)
1 piece tinfoil for icy lakes, rivers, etc..  (use own scissors)
1 of each die-cut houses (red barn, yellow house, brown log cabin)  OR  just 4x4 colored paper for older students to make own houses
1 glue bottle

Step 1:  RIP-UP white paper (ripping will give a natural looking jagged edge) then glue to sky blue paper to look like snow on the ground.     White paper should cover the bottom half of sky blue paper.

Step 2:  Glue on cut-out barn, house, 
and/or log cabin.

Optional: for older students there are construction paper squares if they want to cut out their own houses, horses, sleds, trucks, fences, people, animals, etc…

Step 3:  Use craypas to add background, mountains, trees, snowflakes, fences, roads, etc.

Optional: can also use own crayons or colored pencils to add more details, people, animals, horses and sleds, snowman, etc…

Step 4:  Use own scissors to cut foil into frozen pond, icy river, icicles on houses, etc.

Monday, August 26, 2013

African Mask Milk Jug Mask, Willow Springs 10-11

Used with:  Kindergarten - 6th grade

1 gal milk jug cut in half lengthwise 
White, black or brown spray plastic primer Markers, crayons, paint 
Yarn, raffia, seeds, paper, feathers, etc.  for decorating 
White glue
Masking tape
Hole punch 
Newspapers for covering table (this is a messy project) 

1.  Cut clean milk container in half lengthwise. Handle side will be used for mask 
(handle becomes nose). 
2.  Prime the outside of the container a few days ahead of project day, so primer can 
3.  If desired, punch a few holes around the perimeter of the mask. 

1.  Give each child a cleaned and primed milk container half. 
2.  Supply a variety of colored markers, paint, or crayons for children to color their 
3.  The children can then add embellishments, such as gluing seeds, yarn, feathers, 
paper and raffia on the masks.  
4.  Raffia and yarn can be tied into the holes punched on the perimeter of the mask 
to create hair or an animal’s mane. 
5. If desired, tie a length of string or yarn from holes from one side of mask to the 
other side in the back so the mask can be hung on the wall. 
6. Lay flat to dry. This project may take a few hours to dry. 

Carmen Lomas Garza Loteria Cards, Flint Hill ES, 12-13

Used with: Kindergarten - 3rd grade

1.   1 piece of Watercolor Paper 
2.   Black Crayons 
3.   Watercolor Set 
4.   Dish of Water to be shared among students 
5.   Handouts of images with Spanish words will be shared among students. 

Students can use their pencils to draw their designs. They can be quick drawings though so tell students not to go into too much detail. The line images on the handouts are pretty simple. Spanish Dictionaries are on the carts for students who would like to look up their own words for objects that are not on handouts. 

Kindergartners can focus on objects and not writing words. When the objects are finished being drawn in black crayon, students can do a watercolor wash over their objects. The crayon won’t smear. 

“Loteria” is a Mexican card game similar to Bingo. They are making  their cards by drawing two vertical lines and two horizontal lines crossing over the vertical ones, so making 9 rectangles on their paper. Rulers or straight edges may be used. They can draw objects of their choice. These are similar to the etchings Garza created for her own Loteria cards. 

2nd grade

3rd grade